Tickets & Entries in Rajaji National Park

Tickets & Entries in Rajaji National Park

All visitors to Rajaji National Park need entry permits to be allowed into the park. Permits are available at each of the gates to the park.

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Cost of Permit

Indians: Rs. 150 per person to visit Chila Range. It is the showcase of Rajaji National Park.

Foreigners: Rs. 600 per person to visit Chila Range. It is the showcase of Rajaji National Park.

Ticket Price & Entry Details

ZoneEntry India/SaarcEntry Foreigner
Chaurashi Kutia200.001200.00
Indian Nationals
Adult ₹150 per person
Child (3-12 years) ₹50 per child
Vehicle Entry: ₹300 per vehicle
Foreign Nationals
Adult ₹600 per person (₹600 for regular zone, ₹800 for Chilla Range)
Vehicle Entry ₹500 per vehicle
Additional Charges
Guide Costs range from ₹600 for a general guide to ₹1500 for an experienced wildlife expert
Camera Still cameras are free for Indians, ₹50 for foreigners. Video cameras require permits costing ₹2500 for Indians and ₹5000 for foreigners